Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hey! You Wreck that Journal, girl!

I was a little slow on my journal this week. I took it easy.
Here is the circle page, well on it's way to getting full!
I found some cool firework- discards? endtrails? garbage- yep
The upper right is a Candyland man, from the game. And the lower left is a seashell rubbing.

And that word is : <---Arrow--->
Have you ever said a word out loud over and over and it started to lose it's meaning. Like "pink" or "Love", instead of thinking of a color or the meaning of the word, it just starts to sound like a funny sound. (I know I'm not the only nutty buddy that has tried this.)(and no, I don't sit around picking words and repeating them aloud, especially alone.) Ok-anyway...
I noticed as I wrote the word over and over it looked like I was spelling it wrong.

Thee envelope please....

I like this one, and I'm sure I will add more to this page. I love doodling for no reason!

More next week, I'm hoping to get a string and drag this journal along the sidewalk.... Give my neighbors a good laugh and a roll of the eyes! ("There goes Kaye, doing her artsty fartsy thing again.")


judipatootie said...

dont you love being the ARTSY FARTSY one ? I do

your circles are luscious overflowing bubbles from some magical source

Hybrid J said...

Wonderful wreck work, loving your circles page. :)

Rose said...

I love the firework entrails! Beautiful!

Genie Sea said...

Fabulous! The circles look juicy! The firework remains festive! The whole thing fun! :)

Jamie Ridler Studios said...

What beautiful colours in your wreckage. What truly wonderful random items you found to glue. So Cool!

Jamie Ridler Studios said...

What wonderful colours and shapes in your wreckage. And what totally cool random things to include in your journal. Awesome!

Kim said...

I especially like like the circle page. The firework entrails are great, too! And, no - you're not the only nutty buddy who does that with words :)

Anonymous said...

Love all the randomly glued objects. Very colorful!

Lisa said...

Oh I tried my seashells too for rubbing!

Love the random gluing and circles. And yep, I do that with words too ... it's weird when that happens, isn't it?

Beverley Baird said...

Great wreckings!
Loved the circles page the best.

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

What you said about repeating one word over and over is so true. I used to do it as a child and drove myself into hysterics. Love those firework entrails.